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Wiki Structure
This page presents the structure of this Wiki. It is structured as follows: Introduction & Requir...
Link budget
Introduction A link budget assesses the various gains and losses that impact signal transmission...
Software Design
System description The two RFI Monitoring Payloads will have the same purpose: Detect any unexpec...
Hardware Tests as Run
DOCUMENT SCOPE The aim of this document is to clearly explain the tests performed during the dele...
Software Tests as Run
DOCUMENT SCOPE The aim of this document is to clearly explain the tests performed during the dele...
Operational Database
The operational database contains all relevant telemetry and telecommand information. For detaile...
RFI-5G Payload design
IGARSS_2023_Kband_RFI_Paper.pdf Payload Structure The payload is structured as a vertical stack ...
RFI-5G FE-Top SSV as run 13/11/2023 (2)
Document Scope The objective of this document is to detail the procedures, results and conclusion...
RFI-5G FE-Top SSV as run 13/11/2023 (1)
Document Scope The objective of this document is to detail the procedures, results and conclusion...
RFI-5G FE-Top SSV asRun 23/10/2023
Document Scope The objective of this document is to detail the procedures, results and conclusion...
P/L3 Statistical pulsed signal characterization Procedure
Objectives Characterize the capacity of the RFI Monitoring system to detect pulsed signals by sta...
P/L3 Envelope Detection characterization Procedure
Objective Characterize the capacity of the RFI Monitoring system to detect signals by Envelope De...
K-band CW characterization Procedure
Objective Measure the RSSI obtained though all the 1GHz band when inputting a CW and characterize...
K-band Noise floor characterization Procedure
Objective Measure the RSSI obtained though all the 1GHz band with only noise and characterize it....
Front-end Gain calibration Procedure
Objective Measure the total system gain at the output of the RSSI and equalize it. Steps to follo...
K-Band VCO Calibration Procedure
Objective Measure the frequency response of the VCO and characterize it. Steps to follow Turn ...
Document Scope The objective of this document is to detail the procedures, results and conclusion...
RFI-5G FE-Bottom SSV
Test Description and Objectives The objective of this test is to validate the correct operations ...
RFI-5G Payload block diagrams
FE Block Diagram Power Supply Block Diagram Signal Conditioning Block Diagram 4. General bl...
RFI-5G Mission Analysis and Requirements
Project description This project is performed as part of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing/F...