P/L3 Envelope Detection characterization Procedure
Characterize the capacity of the RFI Monitoring system to detect signals by Envelope Detection method.
Steps to follow
Turn on equipment
- Power supply
- Signal generator
Configure to desired parameters
- Power supply
- Set Voltage to 3.3V
- Set current limit to 0.3A
- Signal generator
- Set output frequency to some IF Band frequency
- Power supply
Set up nucleo board and PC
- Make sure the proper code is loaded into the nucleo board
Make connections
- Connect the power supply to the payload:
- Vcc to PoL (RED)
- Connect the DAC output to the DAC_In (GREEN)
- Connect the ADC input to the ADC_Out
- Load the IF Input with a 50 Ohm perfectly matched load.
- Connect PC to ground (plug in the charger).
- Connect necleo board to computer by USB.
- Connect the power supply to the payload:
Power on power supply.
Begin the measurements procedure
- Run the flashed program in Debug mode.
- Once the program stops at the breakpoint, collect the calculated mean and plot it in a data processing software like Matlab.
Analyze the collected data.